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Medicine, as it stands today, did not develop overnight. It is the culmination efforts of millions of people, some we know and others we do not. The flame of civilization, including medicine, started thousands of years ago.
The flame has been handed over from one generation to another and from one country to the other. Depending on who took the sacred responsibility of hosting it, sometimes it got brighter and sometimes it got dimmer.
Today a wide variety of health care systems exist around the world and more than 100 systems of alternative medicines are in practice all over the world… Every country, region, or area has its traditional system of health and medical care for the Chinese it is acupuncture, for the French, magnetic healing; for the Germans, Heilpraxis, etc.
In India apart from the modern (allopathic) system of medicine, traditional and indigenous medicinal systems like Ayurvedic, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy systems are in practice throughout the country.
Even as scientists continue to work out the code of life and work on stem cells, ancient medicinal systems like Ayurveda Unani and Siddha are making a steady comeback. This is because more people are becoming aware of the harmful side effects of synthetic drugs and prefer herbal and natural medicines.
But due to lack of awareness or overconfidence in modern science, many people simply approach allopathic doctors for every disorder… and take medicines that are a cure for one disease but become a cause for another disease.
Hence a point is to be highlighted that to date there is no such system of medicine that can be considered a complete system of medicine. For this reason, the Indian health ministry, after analyzing various factors, has approved five systems of medicine.
Each System of Medicine has its unique excellence with curative properties for certain organic disorders. For example, Allopathic for cardiac critical care, acute renal failure, a severe form of epilepsy, etc… likewise acute allergic, eczema and psoriasis are better being treated with homeopathy.
Similarly, Ayurveda & Siddha are more suitable for rheumatism, indigestion, constipation, jaundice, and hepatitis... etc
Among them, the Unani system is unique for several reasons. This being purely herbal has absolutely no side effects.
People’s faith in Unani health care is increasing and Unani practitioners have been tremendously successful in curing all types of diseases, especially liver disorders, jaundice, gastric and nervous diseases.
More particularly Unani has brilliant medicinal assets for all kinds of Sexual Disorders. Many sexual disorders are partly in the mind and partly in the body. Hence only a system that can stimulate the mind through proper counseling or advice and treat the body with harmless, natural, and nourishing herbal medicines can provide the most effective care for sexual problems.
That’s why Unani is considered to be the only real and recognized solution to suit modern man’s problems related to sexual performance and achievement.
In Unani, treatment is prescribed after analyzing problems specific to each individual. When allopathic treats diseases, Unani finds the solution for the cause of the disease which may differ from person to person through the disease remains the same.
Here the experience and expertise of the physician become important in understanding the patient and his/her problems.
Unani though was practiced widely, had not gained popularity and acceptance among all segments of people until recently. Hakim Dr. Shabeer Ahamed Roy, who has Unani in his blood and works for its promotion 24 x 7 brought Unani to the limelight with relentless efforts.
Hailing from a family of Hakims and was fortunate to practice Unani from early childhood along with his glorious father, this physician spent a major part of his life doing research and practice.
He has learned the intricacies of the internet and the web to propagate Unani among the net-savvy intellectuals across the world. The result was instant.
Unani has become popular among all classes of people without social, religious, educational, or geographic barriers.
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